Friday, November 25, 2011

Seamlessly Move Your Browser Tabs Between Computers Using The Surfon Plugin

Seamlessly Move Your Browser Tabs Between Computers Using The Surfon Plugin:

move browser tabsSave your tabs in one browser; open them in another. Surfon aims to make jumping between different browsers and devices easier, and it works. If you use more than one computer, and frequently open way too many tabs, you’ve run into this problem before. You want to switch computers, but also want to move browser tabs with you. Surfon makes this not only possible, but simple, allowing you to save and restore your open tabs in just a couple of clicks.

We’ve shown you how to back up and open tabs in the past, but SurfOn goes one step further. With plugins for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, most modern computer users are covered by this plugin. Even better, it’s very simple to use. The service’s website puts it well:

“Surfon is a simple way to save all your browser tabs and view them on another device. You can even send them between different browsers. No more emailing links to yourself to access them on another computer.”

Want to know more?

Set Up Surfon

Head on over to GetSurfon to get started. You’ll find extensions for Safari, Chrome and Firefox, and a place to sign up. Sign up for an account, then install the plugin for your browser. Repeat these steps on all of your computers and you’re pretty much done.

You’ll see a new button on your browser. Click it and you’ll see your options:

move browser tabs

The function of these buttons are relatively self-explanatory, but Surfon provides a great explanation of the functions with this image:

save browser tabs

Note the the service won’t save everything about your saved tabs. If you are making a purchase, for example, your shopping cart won’t be seamlessly moved from one browser to another. Similarly, a half-completed form won’t be saved and restored. The service simply saves the URL of your tabs which you had opened when you pressed the button. Then, when you’re ready, you can re-load them. This is perfect for research sessions, or for saving a large collection of tabs you need to get around to reading.

You can see your entire tab collection, without restoring it, on the Surfon website:

move browser tabs

You can remove tabs from your saved list here, if you like, or simply open a particular tab you’ve been looking for.

There is, sadly, no mobile support for Surfon yet. Don’t worry: it’s part of their master plan, so you’ll be able to use this on your phone once they figure out how to get it working.

Why I Like This

Surfon works on most major browsers, is incredibly simple to set up and even simpler to use. I really can’t ask for more in a tab-saving solution, and I have to tip my hat to the Surfon team for providing this. I’ll be making use of it for a long time, I think.

You guys are frequently smarter than me, though. Do you know of anything better for the job? Share in the comments below, because I’m down to hang out and chat. Also let me know what you think about Surfon, because I’m always curious.

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